Greetings friends and followers! Welcome to another edition of…In Dan’s Garage!!!!! I initially wrote this huge rant on a number of topics that have made me quite ornery lately, especially the file sharing snafu, but so many other things were nagging me, I decided to set the rant aside. That’s because as I was proofreading it (something I don’t do enough of) I began to bore myself, so if I’m bored, then you’re going to be. So instead, I’ll briefly touch on a few things here that have been on my mind….. First. Apologies for being a little testy in some of my replies to comments. I’m just trying to figure out ways to get these comps to people who really want them. Second. I’ve tried my best to make these links to the downloads as cryptic as possible. The password is in plain view and most of you out there are savvy enough to figure it out. Third. I don’t “censor” comments too often. I do get spam, which I don’t even count, and I have had requests not to post certain comments for privacy reasons. Some comments are requests for things that I unfortunately don’t have much time for, and some are political rants which get tossed out before I even finish reading them. Here’s my thought on those… We here in the USA live in what I consider the most TOXIC political landscape I’ve ever witnessed. We are a divided country and the last thing I want is to let people use this blog as a vehicle for more division. I personally do not care if you are a Conservative or a Liberal. The music that lies within this blog is something that unites us all. It is a common bond that should be celebrated regardless of political affiliation or personal philosophy. OK???? Good. Last. Hurricane Sandy hit us this past Monday and while I was relatively unscathed (I lost power for several hours and the screen on my back patio got blown out. Big whoop.), LOTS of people in the New York City, New Jersey, and Connecticut areas truly have a long road to hoe. My thoughts go out to all of them. If any of you are followers of this blog, my prayers are with you. My wish is that hopefully some of the music here will ease a bit of the pain. Ladies and Gents…Number 79.