Greetings once again friends and followers! I got away with a minor computer crisis recently and thought that all the good stuff that was lying safe on my hard drive got wiped out, but I managed to retrieve it safely and now I can continue without a hitch. It looks like winter is finally over up here as I’ve witnessed one of the worst moths temperature wise in quite a while, so when the thermometer gets 10° above freezing (that’s Fahrenheit for those who aren’t here in the U.S.) it feels rather balmy and we start cheering for spring. As Gerry Roslie of the Sonics would say… WAAAAHOOOOO! Why is it so cold????? I don’t know, I guess I’m just plagued with living in a part of the hemisphere that kind of sucks weather-wise , but I’m sure some of you out there have it worse so I’ll shut up. Many of you out there have requested re-ups of past postings that got wiped out by Mediafire. I’m getting a lot of these so if I don’t answer you request verbally, don’t be offended. I just have to hash all of this out and re-up as I get requests, and even then I have to devote my time to something else. It took me weeks just to get my act together for this one, so please remember, patience is a virtue. Thanks once again for all the kind comments from ALL of you, they truly make my day and as the number of followers grows (over 200 now thank you!) the stack of new records grows with it and it looks like I’ll be doing this for a little while longer. I’m also trying to sharpen up my writing skills which kind of suck, but I hope you’ll all look past the inadequacies and enjoy the gist of what I’m doing here, it is my passion and keeps my blood flowing and eases all kinds of stress as well. Let’s spin a few 45s shall we????