Howdy folks! I hope you all had a great summer season as I did (mostly) and I hope the upcoming autumn and winter/holiday seasons are exceptionally good as well! GIGANTIC THANK YEWS to all the friends and followers who gave me props on the 100th edition of IDG. It wasn’t the greatest post, but it was a milestone of sorts. Kudos are still trickling in, and it really warms my heart to hear how much of you have enjoyed this blog. This post is certainly no different as I poke through another box of goodies. I’ve spent most of the summer trying to get rid of a piece of property (a home that is) that was virtually bleeding me dry, hence the low frequency of posts. When my lovely wife and I bought our new home we did it with no contingencies, therefore we didn’t have to sell our previous home in order to buy this one. Well…for the past two plus years I have been paying two mortgages as well as the utilities (AND TAXES) on a piece of property that I didn’t even live in! We finally got it sold and closed the deal on August 11 and I’ve been breathing easier ever since. So what have I been doing ever since??? Celebrating of course!!!! I bought a few records and partied a bit and planned a nice vacation for the beginning of November, and with the extra $$$ we will improve on our present “dream” home. YAY! I love September and October, not only for the pleasant change of seasons, but because it’s the best time to be a sports fan here in the USA. NFL is just starting and I’m always excited about that (although my beloved NY Giants look putrid), and the end of Baseball season is ending so the playoffs and World Series will be upon us very soon, although I don’t think my beloved NY Yankees will make it this year. So sad too because it’s Derek Jeter’s last season ever. Every Yankee fan in every era has had a player to look up to and in mine, Jeter was IT. I’m glad I got to see him play in person at least twice. In conclusion, (oh shit this sounds like a graduation speech) I’d again like to thank all of you out there that have dug this little blog o’ mine. It’s been a nice trip for the first 100 volumes and I hope to deliver at least another 100. Thank You from the bottom of my heart. Love, Dan |