Greetings music lovers! I hope you’re all ready for some real nice springtime weather out there because I know I am. Just when I thought we were going to finally get some relief up here after unusually cold temps in March (we’re talkin’ single digits about a week or so ago) and “The Blizzard of ‘2014”, I thought that maybe we were going to start enjoying moderating temps, you know, the kind where you can at least grill a few burgers and not have to wear a parka while doing it. Oh no. Can’t have any of that. We need another 12” to keep reminding us that we live in Rochester, NY. Yup. TWELVE FREAKIN’ INCHES!!!!!!! They said it was eight, but my driveway tells a different story entirely. I’m literally numb by now and expect freezing rain come June. Oh well, at least I can comfort myself by spinning some 45s and laying out another post like today’s, which includes a lot of low key stuff. No real killers, but an aural array of pop, psych, and folk rock sounds. I even threw in an old rocker at the beginning and some boogie at the end just to shake things up. So without further adieu here’s NUMBER 96! |