Welcome one and all! I hope everyone out there has had a great holiday this year, I myself took some extended time off through all of it and it’s given me a chance to catch up on this blog, something I haven't been able to do lately. Did you get a lot of cool presents???? I did OK this year. My lovely wife gave me a new chair to park my ass in while I hack away at this here keyboard. Very comfy, and it should be a good motivator to get more of these things out in the upcoming year. Record buying has slowed down somewhat, mainly because my resources have been diverted to Christmas gifts and the like, and a lot of food and booze as well, not that that’s a bad thing because I love to eat and drink and tis the season to be jolly indeed!
On to a different subject… I have in the past tried diligently to keep up with bad or expired links. You out there have helped immensely by writing comments about the dead ones, and although I don’t post them on the timeline, it doesn’t mean I don’t read them, and it certainly doesn’t mean I’ll ignore them either. I just have to work at my own pace so be patient. I think I have them all taken care of (except for #21, you all have to figure that one out for yourselves. It IS available, just not here) but there may be one or two that have slipped through the cracks, after all, I have 105 of these to deal with now, but you all have been great letting me know if there’s any bad links out there. For this I give much gratitude. There are those out there that for whatever reason, need to bitch about really stupid things.
A good pal at work and I were having a conversation about lunches that are provided to us by customers as a sort of a “Thank You” for the work we've done for them, or maybe the Holiday luncheon courtesy of the management, you get the picture? We couldn’t believe how many people actually complained about what they were given to them FOR FREE. If they’re grilling free hot dogs for you at lunch, don’t complain about what brand their using. Take what you can get and enjoy it for what it’s worth, PLEASE????? “Oh there’s anchovies in the stuffed mushrooms, ewwwww”. Just pass on the ‘shrooms and go on to the next entrée please???? You’re wondering where this is going right??? I received a comment recently that really kind of pissed me off. As you all know I’ve had trouble in the past with file hosts that have yanked my files and literally put this blog on the brink of extinction. That’s bad FOR YOU. It’s bad for you because you’ll never be able to enjoy this stuff if I can’t find some way of getting it out there, so when times were tough I tried to fly under the radar by attaching passwords to the files until the heat got turned down. The vast majority of you got it except for one person named “Anonymous” (naturally) who wrote this in reference to IDG #79…”Would someone please explain the password again? I've wasted over an hour so far, just looking for it. Lame lame lame.” You sir are a tool. The password is “The Bears” Without the quotation marks if you could figure that out as well. The Bears. Just type it in the way it’s written and you should not have an issue. No, copy and PASTE it into the dialogue box. That’ll work too. Hell, when I got this message, I actually went to the trouble of downloading it myself to see if there was an issue and guess what???? It worked fine. Mr. Anonymous Tool cant figure it out. I don’t mean to berate the computer illiterate, that’s not what I want to do here, but, my beef is that if you do have an issue, give the hostility and invective a rest. You are the one that’s truly lame, not because you couldn't figure it out, but because you had to act like a total ingrate, because after all, you are getting a free lunch here. GET IT??? Sorry for being curmudgeonly, I just needed to get that off my chest. Whew!
For those out there that have been faithful followers, commenters, and contributors, I thank you all from the bottom of my heart. You keep this blog alive and give me a reason to do it over and over. Again, I hope that all of you have had a wonderful Holiday season this year. Share the good times with your family, your friends, your co-workers, and even the anonymous out there. Savor it. Bless you all and have a happy and very prosperous new year. |