GREAT GOOGLY MOOGLY!!!!!!! I was putting this whole shebang together and came to the realization that this will be the seventy fifth edition of “In Dan’s Garage”!!!! When I started this humble blog I figured I’d get about fifty volumes in and then continue on by posting comps and things like that. But my collection of 45s has actually grown quite a bit in the past few years and it’s due to this blog which has renewed my interest in collecting records(which was dormant for a good 15 years) and acquiring cool hi-fi gear.
As I stated in my last post, getting this stuff and having it be near anywhere 100% is nearly impossible. I’ve gotten screwed on Ebay at least 4 times, but was fortunate enough to get ALL my money back. BEWARE OF EBAY!!!!!!!! These people that sell this stuff there have NO CLUE as to what they are dealing with. You know turntables??? You know those platters that the record spins on and those weights on the back of the tone arm??? Those babies are not fixed to the unit. They come off in transit, and the next thing you know the entire piece is DESTROYED! Most of these clowns scour garage sales or the VOA or Goodwill, find something for $5 and try to get big money from it. Unfortunately they don’t know their assholes from their elbows and they just plug the unit in, the lights come on and figure they can sell it as “excellent working condition”. Meanwhile, it needs a complete overhaul and what you end up with is a $100 doorstop. Hey does anyone out there sell (or know anyone that does) parts for vintage hi-fi gear????? I got this Onkyo TX-2500 Mk II receiver that is so cool. It weighs about 100 lbs. and has a nice brushed stainless steel faceplate but the tinted glass window is all shattered and broken. It got busted during the delivery (naturally), but I got it for so cheap it’s not worth the hassle of retuning, and besides, this thing sounds great and it’s freakin” loud!
Sorry. I had to let that rant out. It just pisses me off that people who are real ignorant try their best to take advantage of guys like me (and people like you), who will mostly give them the benefit of the doubt. I guess you live and you learn.
Thank yew, thank yew, thank yew! Gomer Pyle used to say. I say that to all of you folks who have given me a warm welcome back from my hiatus, your comments are very uplifting and definitely brighten my otherwise dreary day. I’m truly grateful and all that makes this little hobby of mine more fulfilling. All righty then! Now that we have that out of the way can we get on with this blockbuster edition of “In Dan’s Garage”??? OK then. (drum roll please…) Heeeeeere’s No. 75!