Hello once again friends and followers. As you can see the posts have been somewhat sparse these days. It’s not that I’m losing interest, it’s just that my work hours have shifted somewhat so I have to show up earlier than normal, and I’m not getting out any sooner either. I dig the overtime and all, but this whole deal has been messing with my mojo and I’m real pooped at the end of the day. Besides, now that it’s summer, I have more junk to deal with than usual. When I do have some time to meditate, I do it by spinning a bunch of 45s and passing them on. It’s all real cathartic, and therapeutic, and blah blah blah. I return to “normal” work hours next month, so hopefully I won’t be quite as tired.
I’m planning on doing a post real soon on Rochester eateries, specifically hot dog and burger joints. There are literally hundreds here in the area that specialize in these treats, and I’m not talking hot dog stands on the street. There’s bunches, so I’ll be waxing poetic on the subject of “Zweigles white hots”, “ground steaks”, “garbage plates”, and “hot sauce”. In the meantime enjoy this latest batch of platters. I opened a box last week which tuned out to be “common” stuff, but had a couple dozen obscurities thrown in there by mistake. I hope you like ‘em. |