Hi Y’all! I guess you were wondering what the hell happened to me the last month and a half, well…it’s been rough up here in these parts. I’ve written this blog since 2009 and have frequently complained and/or praised the weather at times because, well, the weather has a significant impact on my life. In the spring and summer, it brings great joy, in the fall it brings change in the most colorful of ways. In the winter…..it’s nearly hell on earth and this winter was literally the WORST. I’ve lived on this earth nearly 55 years and I’ve seen some doozies in my life, mostly in my younger years. Snow piled high, we would make snowmen or forts out of the stuff that fell for the past few days, or play street hockey and then, it would melt away leaving room for the next snowfall. Not this year. Let me rewind back to January. At the end of that month I thought we had skated past the worst part of winter. We had relatively moderate temperatures and somewhat sparse snowfall for the first two winter months. If you can get past December and January around here unscathed you’re in decent shape heading into spring because February is usually pretty cold, but a mixed bag, and after Valentines Day, you usually are turning a corner and feeling the change. Nope. I invited a bunch of friends over for Super Bowl Sunday back on February 1st, and it was a fine game (even though my beloved NY Giants were long gone before that, but that’s another story) and we all had a great time eating and drinking, while a massive snowstorm began to pass through. I think it left 18” or so on the ground when all was said and done and it was the first real significant snowfall of the season. I haven't seen my lawn since. Shortly after we got even more snow and to make matters worse we experienced the coldest month EVER in the history of Rochester, NY. Not the coldest February mind you, but the coldest month EVER. Usually it’ll snow a bunch and then you’ll have a thaw for a few days. Not this year. That, coupled with the ever growing mountains of white stuff left us literally buried for an entire month. This pattern finally made a turn-around this week, and the gigantic piles of snow are slowly withering away, but I gotta tell you, between dealing with that every day, and dealing with it at work, it wiped me out and I had no desire to do anything but hunker down and stay warm. Seriously, all I did for an entire month was wake up, go to work, come home, change into something warmer, eat dinner, and go to sleep. I did shower and brush my teeth occasionally as well, and lots of snow removal in between all that, but it was bad. I guess I could have worked on this blog to entertain myself but I just didn’t have it in me, and could only muster a few dribs and drabs a week, and for all of you that think I’m a wimp and just bellyaching, I’ve lived in this part of the country for my entire life and have not endured anything close to what I saw this last month. It was an entire winter condensed into approximately 35 days. I did have some good times though. The Super Bowl is always fun and I got to take care of my beautiful granddaughter for several days which is a lot of fun. I forgot how much of a trip two year olds can be. I did work a bit on this edition slowly but I finally revved it up the past week because it’s been well over a month and it’s TIME. I hope you all enjoy it. Welcome spring into your life, and for all you Irish out there Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!!!! |