Greetings music lovers and Happy New Year to all! Thanks to all of you out there that sent best wishes for the holidays, I certainly hope all of yours were happy. Since the cold weather keeps me indoors much of the time, and since I don’t have any major home improvement projects on the near horizon, I suspect I’ll have a more time to churn out these posts and do them a little more frequently. When I initially began this blog I started with the “Obscure 60’s Garage” posts that were made up entirely of music ripped from cassette tapes that I had swapped with another collector back in the mid 80s. Since I posted those, many of the links have gone dead and I never did get a a chance to re-up those files. I never really did like the way those turned out as I was using an inferior PC at the time which was rather slow (for doing this type of work anyway) and you can tell by the frequent “skips” on some of the tracks, besides I really didn’t format them to fit onto a CD-R which I’m sure some of you like to do. Personally I just load my mp3 player up with as much as I can fit on there, set it on shuffle and I let ‘er rip, but I digress. I’m considering a whole new rip of those tapes and formatting the posts properly to around 28 or 29 songs apiece and re-upping the whole shebang with what I hope will be some better sound quality as well. This will be a time consuming affair so be patient! Also, as I have mentioned many times ad nauseum, I figured I’d get maybe 50 or so posts from my initial stock of records which amounted to about 8 or 9 of those 45 RPM boxes that you see at record shows. Well, since I began this blog I’ve been back into record collecting whole hog if you will and my collection is blossoming, so we should be at it for quite a while. I essentially was on a 15 year hiatus dealing with vinyl before I started the blog and concentrated mainly on amassing a huge digital library, but I couldn’t resist the temptation of buying records anymore and much of that desire is fueled by this blog and my attempt to procure fresh sides to share with you. It’s a ton of fun and I hope to keep it up for a few more years. I’m closing in on cleaning up the last of the “original” collection and will be getting into some real interesting stuff in the near future. Apologies for the rant in the last post. I just got a little frustrated with some of the comments I received (very, very few by the way) in regards to “passwords”. I hope everyone out there has got it by now. I could do a re-up, but I’d have to archive the stuff again, upload it, edit the post, blah, blah, blah. I’ll let you hash that one out while I keep trying to churn out new stuff OK? Love you all, enjoy. |