Greetings friends and followers! You know, summer has been fairly decent this year, although we’ve had what I consider an abundance of rain, but it hasn’t been a complete washout. We had a massive heat wave in July (well for these parts anyway), and now were settling into a very comfortable weather pattern. Great for sitting on the patio and smoking fine stogies, drinking fine beer, and sipping fine whiskey or wine, so here are 28 “nuggets” so to speak, that are finely suited for such activities. You could actually rename this series, “Music To Enjoy The Finer Things In Life By”, or “Music To Grill By”, or whatever your favorite activity is at the moment. It all works. As usual I’ve compiled whatever ends up in my hands at the moment, and I came across a few 45s that were posted as a comp titled “60s Uncovered”. That was my first foray into digital conversion of 45s and the results were OK at best. Some of those 45sw have been re-converted and have been added to this comp. I think the results are a definite improvement. So please, enjoy your summer afternoon or evening digging what I’ve put forth here, and have fun wherever you are!