Holy moly. It seems like a decade since I last did this, and it’s not for lack of wanting to do it, the time just seems to slip away from me faster as I grow older, you know what I mean????? I swear to God The Almighty that a week feels like a few hours these days. Sheesh. I’ve been nickel and diming this post for at least a month now, all while gathering up more 45s and pissing my lovely wife off as well while little piles of records appear out of nowhere, and cardboard mailers begin to stack up. On the bright side, all this background activity should keep this blog going for a good long time. In case you haven’t noticed, quite a few of the old posts have been re-upped. This is a time consuming process, but I did find a nice uploading tool to get gobs of files up at once, yet it still takes some time for that process as well. I figure I’ll have them all taken care of by the end of the month (hopefully). One of the big reasons that my time is so precious these days is this steady gig I have with some friends called “The Imaginary Band”. We’re simply a commercial “Classic Rock” band, but we’re very good at what we do, and my Saturdays are pretty much booked till the end of the year which is great if you’re in a “working band”. This is the most work I’ve done as a musician in my entire life, and at 53 it feels great. Yeah…we play “old music, for old people” but most of us middle agers aren’t done rocking yet, especially me, and after languishing in Garage Rock bands for the past 35 years playing second fiddle to The Chesterfield Kings or worse yet being completely ignored altogether, it feels good to have people truly appreciate what I do, even though it the same old stuff you hear on FM radio. I do manage to slip in a few “nuggets” here & there like the Bubble Puppy’s “Hot Smoke & Sassafras. That always gets the folks scratching their heads a wee bit. Thanks again to all for kind words and comments, hopefully I’ll scrape up a little more time to make these posts more frequent, In the meantime enjoy this one…… |