Any of you guys ever have to hide while you’re wife/girlfriend/significant other is hosting a baby or wedding shower???? Well friends that’s what is going on this very minute here at Dan’s Garage central. A horde of women are invading my home to play kooky games and “shower” my daughter-in- law, who will be giving birth in a month or so, with fabulous gifts. The upside to all of this is that I get to munch on some tasty leftovers and I’m left entirely alone for about 3 hours which gives me ample time to write this blog.
Hey you folks in the northeast! Look outside lately? Yup that’s about two feet of snow that’s turned my neighborhood (and probably yours) into a breathtaking winter wonderland. Don’t worry though, spring is right around the corner and I’ve got a hunch this is the last biggie of the year.
On the beer front, you may remember me waxing poetic about our local brewery Genesee. Well, they’ve come out with this limited edition “Heritage Collection” of brews that were popular way back when. Included is old standby 12 Horse Ale, Genny “Red”, which was produced in the 90s and is an excellent full bodied lager very similar to Yuengling which is very popular in these parts, and my favorite, “Fyfe & Drum” which is a nice crisp clean lager.