Greetings friends and followers! I hope everyone’s New Year is going well so far. Mine is rather dreary right now with the bitter cold weather and all, and the fact that my beloved New York Giants missed the NFL playoffs this year and I have to watch teams that they either beat the crap out of (San Francisco), or got beat up by (Baltimore), slug it out in what is the biggest sporting event of the season (here in the good ol’ USA that is…). Someone at work got real excited that Beyoncé was the half time show. I wonder if she’s going to lip-sync or not???? Maybe she’ll trip on stage like Madonna did last year (or was that the year before???) Personally I could give a shit about half time shows. Most, or rather all of them suck ass, even if the acts are decent guys like The Who or Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers. I think they ought to have Paul Revere & The Raiders do it sometime, even if he is a Las Vegas schmuck now,at least he’d be better than Beyoncé lip-syncing her bullshit. Does she even really sing??? If it didn’t say BEYONCE in front of it, would you actually know it’s her????? Seriously, I can’t tell the difference. I don’t want to sound like an old fogy but who the hell is “Nickelback” and what do they really sound like???? As my good friend Chuck Irving would say… “they’re a generic alternative rock band” and that is what we have today my friends. “generic music”. It’s really sad. Us “older” Rock & Roll fans have slogged through some of the worst commercial crap in the history of humanity, but think about it, were “The Partridge Family” as bad as everyone thinks they were??????? How about The Osmonds, all clean and Mormon like? I listen to that stuff nowadays and marvel at the craftiness of it all. Something lost in today’s music.
I just did one of those stupid Facebook surveys that asked how many “influential” albums you had in your collection, and I was surprised (well I shouldn’t have been) how much CRAP there was in their “selection”. One of the offending “LPs” was “Dexy’s Midnight Runners” who’s “Come On Eileen” video was famous for the mere fact that they didn’t wear any underwear while filming it. Holy SHIT STAIN BATMAN!!!!!! When I got to that part of the survey I knew it was a pile of horse dung.
But seriously folks. To say that music, in the “Rock & Roll” sense, is evolving is folly. Rock & Roll is not dead by any stretch, but it has run it’s course in my humble opinion. What is heard nowadays is some mish mash of influences stirred up in a commercial pot and sold like Duncan Hines cake mixes on a grocery shelf. Which one do like?? White or Fudge?? Eventually there will be young people who will truly carry the torch of Rock & Roll into the mainstream again, kind of the way that guys like Harry Connick Jr. carried Frank Sinatra’s torch into the new millennium of “pop stars”. It will happen. It always does
That is not to say that there are no GREAT Rock & Roll acts out there today. They are just “under the radar"and the savvy amongst us go looking for them instead of having them handed to us on a silver platter. It’s weird. We used to wait for the next big thing on the radio, and usually it would be something that was actually fresh, even if we weren’t “down with it”. Nowadays we just wait for people like Lady Gaga and Justin Beiber to go away. Justin Beiber or David Cassidy???? Think about it.
OK! Enough of that rant. I want to thank everyone out there for supporting me during this “transition” period where the feds are really cracking down on internet piracy. I’ll say it again. Blogs like this are the least of their worries. Go fry some BIGGER fish please. I’m thinking people sharing Katy Perry’s newest is what you want to watch out for. To quote Adam Corrolla, she really does “look like she’s always thinking about something stupid” Now there’s a REAL talent folks!!!!!!! Sorry, I got off track again. Old links will be replaced in time. Don’t hold your breath, I will eventually replace them all, but it is VERY TIME CONSUMING. I wish there was a quicker way but there really isn’t.
I can’t believe there’s 82 volumes here!!! WOO HOO!!!! I always thought I’d be finished after 50, but I think I’ll be well over 100 by next year. I’m glad everyone is enjoying what I do here, and I just want to give a shout out to the locals who follow this blog . I know who you are. Come see me sometime at a gig and we’ll have a drink together. In the meantime enjoy the latest offering. Adios!