OH WOW!!!! WE’RE BACK!!!!! After a long two month hiatus I’ve finally gotten my act together to produce another post and ahead of my schedule as well! I must say the “man cave” is coming along quite nicely with a nice little “office space” for my blogging, a bar complete with the “dogs playing poker” portrait, and my “hi-fi” complete with Harman'/Kardon receiver, Sansui loudspeakers, Technics turntable and a sweet JVC cassette deck so I’m ready for all kinds of entertainment!! WOO HOO!!!! Bust most important of all is my new analog to digital setup which I’ve been grappling with for the past two months. For those who don’t know I’ve been doing these transfers with an Ion portable turntable sitting on my desk plugged into my USB port. Not exactly a “hi-fi setup. But I think I had some decent results with a bit of tweaking and the help of some software. Now that I have lots of room to maneuver I can transfer my vinyl to digital using a full fledged hi-fi sound system comprising of a Technics SL-20 turntable with an Ortofon Omega cartridge going through a vintage Technics SA-211 receiver. This is all plugged into a “Behringer U-Control” gizmo that goes into my USB port and converts the analog signal into a digital one. Very nifty! You'll notice a fuller sound with lots more bottom and it sounds more natural. There’ll still be pops ‘n crackles, but I;’ve completely eliminated any restoration software because quite frankly, I don’t think it's necessary. What do you think??????
Do you realize how HARD it is to obtain a turntable that works 100%????? Yeah, my Ion was reliable and handy as well, but it really is a toy and I had no idea how delicate these “vintage” things were. When I was a vinyl FREAK back in the day I got away with one turntable for 20 some odd years and it amazes me that the unit NEVER broke down. I still have that first turntable, but for some reason it spins at about 120 RPM and I can’t figure out why. I have at least 8 others now and only two work 100%. Same thing with these receivers. You stash one away for a while and after 10 years they are worthless pieces of junk, but I have been diligent in the restoration process and giving these things a bit of TLC is worth it.
The moving process has kind of jumbled up my boxes of records, so it was a chore to figure out where I left off. I still haven’t got myself totally organized, so I grabbed a fistful of records that I’ve recently acquired and went at it. As usual it's a cornucopia of garage, psych, pop, beat, bubblegum, and wee bit of the “hard rock” as well. I sincerely hop you all enjoy the fruits of my labor as it is with the utmost pleasure that t I bring you “In Dan’s Garage #74”!!!!!!!!!!!