YAY!! It’s good to be back, and have we got some socko entertainment for you this time around! Things have been quite busy (as usual) over here at Dan’s Garage central in balmy Upstate New York these days, as my lovely wife and I have been searching for a new house and think we’ve found our dream home. It’s big, it’s roomy, and it’s a perfect place to throw cocktail parties so we’re keeping our fingers crossed right now as we haggle and wade through a bunch of red tape. I’m confident things will shake out just the way they should.
As far as this blog goes, if you haven’t noticed by now, some heavy hitters in the file sharing business have gotten whacked by the feds, so some “providers” have curtailed a bit or all of their services. Have no fear, nothing here has been deleted. In fact I’ve re-upped many links so that they are accessible to all.
Thanks to all of you who have sent kind comments over the past month or so, and especially to some who wondered if I was OK inmy absence from the blogosphere, I really appreciate it. I did have one comment this past week or so that complained about the sound quality of the posts and wondered why I didn’t “master” them “properly”, then had the balls to ask me to help him with some shit. I deleted it, but now that I think of it I should have posted his comment anyway because he was pleasant and seemed sincere enough I guess. If you’re out there my good friend, write back and let me know what you need, but please, I am but a humble record collector with very MODEST resources. I use a cheap portable turntable plugged into my PC and use a very basic sound editor to achieve the best possible results. I wish I had a $1000 turntable with a $3500 cartridge, but I DON’T. The sharing of this great music is the most important thing to me and as long as you can get some enjoyment out of it, that’s good enough for me, so dig in to this latest offering while the icicles melt off your rooftops…….